
[탁계석 노트] ESG가 명품을 만나야 하는 이유

명품이 설득력이 강한 것은 감화력 때문이다

K-Classic News 탁계석 회장 |


언젠가 3초 백이라는 말이 유행했다. 짝퉁 이야기다. 명품을 살 형편이 되지 않지만 그 브랜드와 외형이라도 같은 제품을 가짐으로써 대리만족을 하려는 행위다. 사람들은 왜 명품을 좋아할까? 멋있고  돈 많은 사람들이 누리는 행위이기 때문이다. 실용적이기 보다 가치가 부여된 명품은 미적 아름다움과 완벽성을 갖추고 있다. 따라서 모방은  훌륭한 것, 좋은 것에서 모방이 따른다. 인간의 욕망에 기초한 것이다.


ESG가 추구하는 환경, 사회기여, 투명한 지배구조에서 보다 완성도  높은 것을 보여줌으로  인식을 높일 수 있다. 대중이라고 해서 대중문화만 소비하는 것이 아니다. 역설적으로 평소 접하지 못한 새로운 창작 예술이나 예술품을 보여주는 것이 더 효과가 좋을 수 있다.

오늘의 대한민국에서 ESG는 인식이 너무 낮다. 한 언론 조사에 의하면 국민들의 5%도 인지를 못하고 있다고 한다. 이렇게 되면 ESG 경영은 효율성 지표만 남는다. 효율성은 기업의 것이기에 상대적으로  관심이 없고 소통이 안되고 그래서 ESG 인식이 낮다. 열심히는 하는데 따르는 행위가 없으니 공회전과 다름없다. 소비자의 인식이 따르지 않고 환경 문제를 혼자서 해결할수 있단 말인가? 연탄 배달, 달동네에 라면, 쌀 전달이 필요하지만, 언제까지 그 1차원적인 접근과 방식뿐일까?

저소득 계층아이들에게 문화 감수성을 체험케 하고, 손에 악기를 들게하며, 장애인 연주가들이 시향과 합동연주를 할 기회를 줄수 없을까?ESG가 새로운 좌표 설정을 하고 나가야 하는 때가 왔다. EGS가 크리에이티브를 만나야 한다.

기후위기 환경은 점점 심해지고 일회용 쓰레기는 택배로 지구촌이 머리가 아프다. 어떤 경우든  인식이 바뀌어야 한다. 생활 용품에서 부터, 공연 종이 팜플릿을 모바일로 바꾸고, 커피 텀블럭 갖기 운동 등 작은 실천으로 큰것을 이뤄나가야 한다.

우리사회가  발전 과정에서 많은 이벤트 행사를 하면서 개선해 왔다. 쓰레기 줍기에서부터 산불 조심, 자연보호, 금연 운동, 성희롱 문제 등  이슈들을 캠페인으로 해결해 왔다. 이제는 ESG가 기업인들만의 문제가 아니라 국가 경쟁력과 직결된다. 시민과 소통하려면 문화가 필수다. 감화력이 큰 예술, 특히 명품 마스터피스와도 만나야 한다. 높은 가치 인식을 주면 모든 것이 정리되고 향상되는 효과다.

대중 음악만 있는 것이 아니라, 케이팝만 있는 것이 아니라, 수준 높은 클래식을 통해서, 또 한국의 K 클래식을 통해서  인식 변화를 유도해야 한다. ESG가 명품을 만나야 하는 이유다.


탁계석 K클래식 회장이 친환경대전에 참관했다 

Why ESG Must Meet Luxury Goods


There was a time when the phrase “3 seconds and 100 seconds” became popular. It was a story about counterfeit goods. It is an act of trying to satisfy oneself by proxy by having a product that is the same brand and appearance as a luxury product even though one cannot afford to buy it. Why do people like luxury goods? Because it is an act enjoyed by cool and rich people. Luxury goods that are given value rather than practicality have aesthetic beauty and perfection. Therefore, imitation follows from excellent and good things. It is based on human desire. 


We can raise awareness by showing more complete things in the environment, social contribution, and transparent governance structure that ESG pursues. The public does not only consume popular culture. Paradoxically, showing new creative art or artwork that they have not normally encountered can be more effective. 


 In today's Republic of Korea, ESG awareness is too low. According to a media survey, less than 5% of the population is aware of it. In this case, ESG management is left with only efficiency indicators. Since efficiency belongs to companies, there is relatively little interest and communication is lacking, so ESG awareness is low. They work hard but there is no follow-up action, so it is no different from running around idle. Can we solve environmental problems alone without consumer awareness? We need to deliver coal briquettes, ramen, and rice to the poor, but how long will we be able to do only that one-dimensional approach and method?


Can't we provide low-income children with opportunities to experience cultural sensitivity, hold instruments in their hands, and give disabled musicians a chance to perform with the orchestra? It is time for ESG to set new coordinates and move forward. EGS must meet creativity.


The climate crisis is getting worse, and disposable waste is being delivered by courier, giving the world a headache.  In any case, awareness must change. We must achieve big things through small actions, such as changing daily necessities, changing performance paper pamphlets to mobile ones, and the movement to have coffee tumblers. 


Our society has improved through many events as it has developed. Issues such as picking up trash, being careful of forest fires, protecting nature, anti-smoking campaigns, and sexual harassment have been resolved through campaigns. Now, ESG is not just a problem for businesspeople, but is directly related to national competitiveness. Culture is essential to communicate with citizens. We must also encounter powerful art, especially masterpieces. If we give high value recognition, everything will be organized and improved. 


We need to change perceptions not only through popular music, not only through K-pop, but also through high-quality classical music, and especially through Korean K-classical music. This is why ESG needs to meet luxury goods


ESG 경영에 문화를 도입해 회사 개관날에 이탈리아 음악가들을 초청해 콘서트를 하고 있는 모습 
